10 Reasons That Show Why Most Mobile Applications Fail in the Market | Covetus Technologies Pvt Ltd

10 Reasons That Show Why Most Mobile Applications Fail in the Market

10 Reasons That Show Why Most Mobile Applications Fail in the Market
You would agree that this is the era of mobile apps, but still, there are times when mobile apps fail and become the reason behind an unsuccessful business.

Yes, many businesses fall victim to “tried and tested formula” as there is no set formula for success when it comes to mobile app development.

But have you ever thought why a mobile app fails? Well, there could be a reason that there is an increased competition that is resulting in increased chances of failure. But this is not it. It doesn’t end here. There are many more reasons that show why a mobile app fails.

So, let’s know them one by one to understand well.

1. Failure to Understand the Target Audience

For any business, it is very important to understand their target audience as customers are the only key to success. Somehow, only customers will make your business reach success. At the same time, not being able to understand your target audience is a faux pas that can doom you quicker even than you think.

For example, if one approached you with an innovative idea of an iPhone app for kids, which would be all about interesting games and activities that would keep kids occupied and enhance their cognitive skills.

It might seem exciting to you at first, but here is the point you need to think upon, i.e., it is an app for kids only. Well, have you thought that an app exclusively for kids might not do wonders for your business? While making such an app, one can also consider nannies, mommies, and even elder siblings who will be interacting with the app more than the little people.

So, it will certainly paint a very blurry picture about your ideas if you are not able to focus on your target audience properly; hence your application will never reach the right people, thus leading to failure for your app.

2.  Too Many or Too Few Features

There are times when mobile gets used a lot in the initial days of its launch, but soon that app gets abandoned. Yes, there are a remarkable number of apps that get abandoned after the first use. And the reason for this is, they either present the users with fewer features or too many of them.

But if you think that your feature-loaded application will attract the users, it might turn out to be an exact opposite scenario. Yes, that is because there are cases when excessive features might confuse people, and as a result, they get pushed to opt for something more specific to their requirements.

But it doesn’t mean that you need to add too few features in your application. Yes, while you have been too selective about adding features in your app, it too might also have an adverse effect, making your app incompetent.

So, make sure there is nothing too much or nothing too less in your app. Yes, the number of features for any app must be decided after properly scrutinizing the usability of your application along with the suitable devices in which it will be used.

3. Inability to Solve Any Real-World Problem

This is one huge factor for any mobile app failure because it is not 1 or 2, but many mobile apps we see today are just replicas of a few popular ones. Surely nothing unique. But most owners forget that the users are looking for innovation and the failure to come up with something innovative causes disappointment and loss of trust in the audience.

Let us understand it this way. Just imagine if all the fashion designers are making the same style of apparel, then what would happen? Well, the competition will be high while the buyers will be less interested in buying such copied designs. So, it implies that only the original concepts and designs make an impact on customers' minds. And, whether it is for iPhone or Android, all the replicas are doomed to be labeled as flops.

Despite all, if you are building an app solely for earning money out of it, you have already performed the first blunder. The reason behind this is, your main purpose should always be solving a problem that exists in the market because that will automatically bring you the money.

4. Not Being Sure About the Mobile Apps Platform

There are various mobile apps available, so on which platform you will work is one major decision for you to make. So if you have cannot make up your mind whether your application is going to be for the iPhone or the Windows phone or an Android user, you are certainly calling for some trouble. However, people are certain about the mobile platform for their app, in most cases, as their decision is not based on mindful deliberations.

But this is one blunder as one cannot go with a certain platform only based on the fact that it suits your predisposition. That is because the platform for your mobile app that you select must be the preference of your target audience.

Hence it could be said that unsuccessful apps, whether it is iPhone or Android app, are not just a result of the issues with app’s performance, quality or lack of user experience, but also due to lack of the study about the platform.

Getting apps developed for both Android and iPhone platforms are quickly becoming the norm in the mobile-first world. And it’s great as your audience is available on both the platforms.

5. Too Complex for the Users

App creators often make it a complex affair for the users in the process of enhancing the user experience.

Well, you can take Apple as a great example of it because ‘simplicity of usage’ is the biggest reason for Apple to be able to gain so much attention in the market, and that too so easily. You only think if a user cannot locate the right buttons in your app in one go, then certainly your app is not serving the purpose for which it was created.

So, the truth is none of the users have the time to sit back and learn how to use your application first to run them, especially when they have ample of easy-to-operate options available around. Moreover, keep in mind that you are certainly investing in an unsuccessful app if you expect them to put in so much effort.

Besides all, one might also need to consider localization or locational factors. In this case, it differs based on the technological development of the place and the age of the audience.

Apart from that, make sure the design of your mobile app justifies its business value because an app needs to be compatible with the user. You need to analyze your target audience’s intellectual understanding and their compliance towards changing trends. In all, intricacies in design cause app to fail.

6. Incompatible User Experience

This might be a logical factor as everyone expects the app they are using to be compatible. Just imagine, if there is an app designed for helping the blind, but there is no alarm feature in it when the user is in trouble, or imagine a home automation app that can not be linked with multiple phones. How are such apps going to be useful?

It is true as these apps limit the user experience rather than enhancing it. Well, we all know the main criteria for an app creation are starting an interaction with the user. But then, if you bring an app that does not offer any interaction with or feedback to the user, surely the customers will be less interested in using it.

It's like you are clearing the highest level of a game, but still not getting any score. Is there any fun in that?

Hence, all we need to say is, for both iOS and Android apps, user experience is important, especially when it comes to appealing to your target audience.

7. Avoiding the Backend Support

This is the factor that is not necessary for every app but, especially applies to the apps for the e-commerce market or even gaming ones. One will need robust backend support for the app to be stable.

Yes, it is time to embrace faster and better means of support and storage with cloud technology at your disposal. In most cases, the apps have not been handling the traffic inflow, and as a result, it affects the business value for a longer period.

Another thing to look at when considering a robust backend is scalability because a scalable backend service will adjust based on the traffic influx over some time. To understand well, Twitter is one great example of a scalable and strong backend. So, go for a scalable product, especially if you are looking to dodge mobile app startup failure.

8. Not Optimizing App Performance

If any app is not optimized, then it is nothing but a lost scenario, and there’s hardly any chance of them winning as the newer waves of applications are flooding the coast every minute. And, it could be said that it is one of the reasons why some apps don’t succeed at all.

In all, app performance optimization is a methodological approach and must be carried out cautiously lest it might backfire.

9. Not Updating App Based on Users’ Feedback

As the app is for users, then it should be according to their need for a better investment. And, failing to recognize what they think about your app can surely lead to a loss.

Without realizing that you also need to pay attention to the issues your customers are facing, you constantly try to sell it to your customers, which is one major mistake you are doing because fixing issues for them or according to them is very important to keep the customers coming back to you.

The great example of this is Apple. They are taking back its iOS 8 update and quickly coming back with 8.0.2. The company is keen on preserving its reputation by providing a quick solution for the customers’ problems.

10. Not Enough Marketing

This is the mistake that most marketers make; less marketing of the app after it has been created and launched.

Well, must say a little hype just never hurt any app. There are several ways nowadays for marketing your app. Yes, make effective use of social media, and even ask your prospects to share responses and ideas about what they would like to include in the application for better audience engagement.

Even before the launch of the application, build up a little excitement as Apple does. So you will not need to toil later to make it visible to your target audience, and it will aid in creating a ready market for your application. And, if you want the media to talk about your app, launch events are also a good idea.

However, before taking all such steps, make sure that your app meets the claims that you make.

Final Thoughts

Well, above listed common but honest mistakes give us a clear idea of how an application leads towards failure. Plus, it is unlikely that you will get a second chance if you fail to attract users the first time around with so many apps flooding the market. Therefore, while developing a mobile app, businesses need to be extra careful.

So, now you all are aware of the reasons, stay away from them while planning your next project to prevent them from failure. We hope above mentioned platform-specific best practices will make your mobile app a huge hit in the market.

So, Why Wait for More, Let's Rectify All These Mistakes and Prevent the App from Failure!
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