How to Install Node.js on Linux Using Different Methods? | Covetus Technologies Pvt Ltd

How to Install Node.js on Linux Using Different Methods?

How to Install Node.js on Linux Using Different Methods?

Node JS is an open-source, back-end Javascript code outside a web browser. Here are the steps on how to install Node.js on Linux using various methods.

Node.js is a cross-platform that runs on the V8 engine and executes Javascript code outside a web browser. It also allows developers to use Javascript to write command-line tools and run scripts server-side to produce dynamic web page content before the page is sent to the user’s web browser. 

.js is a standard filename extension for Javascript code, but Node.js doesn’t refer to a file in this context.

Overview of Node.js

Node.js allows the creation of web servers and networking tools using Javascript and modules that handle various core functionalities. Javascript is the only language that Node.js supports natively. As a result, Node.js applications can be written in Clojure script, Dart, and others. It is officially supported on macOS, Linux, and Microsoft Windows 8.1. 

Node.js brings event-driven programming to web servers and allows the development of fast web servers in JavaScript. It connects the ease of a scripting language with the power of Unix network programming. It was built on top of Google’s V8 Javascript engine since it was open-sourced under the BSD license. The Node.js developer community has developed web frameworks to accelerate the development of applications. The frameworks include Socket.IO, Derby, Express.js, Feathers.js, and others. 

Modern desktop IEDs provide debugging features for Node.js applications. These IDEs include JetBrains, Microsoft Visual Studio, or TypeScript with Node definitions. It is supported across several cloud hosting programs like Google Cloud Platform, Joyent, and others.


Node.js uses libuv, a multiplatform C library, to handle asynchronous events. It is an abstraction layer for network and file system functionality on Windows and POSIX-based systems such as OSS, macOS, and Unix. 

A thread pool handles the execution of several tasks in Node.js. The only downside of using Node.js is that it doesn’t allow vertical scaling by increasing the number of CPU cores, a multi-processor, of the machine. However, the developers could increase the default number of threads in the libuv thread pool. 

Here’s How You Can Install Node.js on Linux

It is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome’s V8 Javascript engine. It can be installed in several ways on your Ubuntu Linux machine. Installation through the NodeSource repository would allow you to choose the latest version of Node.js.

There are two methods: Ubuntu official repository and NodeSource repository to install Node.js on Ubuntu.

Steps to Install Node.js using Ubuntu official repository

Node.js is available in Ubuntu’s repository and can be installed using a few commands.

1. Press Ctrl+Alt+T

2. Use the command 'sudo apt install node js’ to install node.js. 

3. After installation, verify it by checking the installed version using the node -v or node –version command. It is recommended to install Node Package Manager with Node.js. 

4. To install NPM, use sudo apt install npm: npm -v or npm – version

Steps to Install Node.js using NodeSource Repository

The latest version of Node.js can be installed from the NodeSource repository. Follow these steps to install Node.js on your Ubuntu. 

1. Press Ctrl + Alt + T and use the “sudo apt-get update” or “sudo apt-get upgrade” commands to update and upgrade the package manager. 

2. Install Python software libraries using sudo apt-get install python-software-properties command. 

3. Add Node.js PPA to the system. 

4. To install Node.js and NPM to your Ubuntu machine, use the command sudo apt-get install node.js

5. After installation, check to verify the installed version using the node -v or node –version or npm -v or npm –version

Install NodeJS on Linux Using NVM

This is the best way to install Node.js. NVM is a bash script used to manage multiple Node.js versions. It allows us to install and uninstall Node.js and switch from one version to another. The best thing is we can install any available Node.js version of our choice using NVM.

The above command will copy the NVM repository to  ~/.nvm  and add the source to the line to your profile (~/.bash_profile, ~/.zshrc, ~/.profile, or ~/.bashrc).

After updating the guide, the latest version was 16.1.0.

1. Install a specific Node version. You can install a specific version of your choice. For install, $ nvm install v9.3.0. 

2. List installed node version. To view the list of installed versions, run, $ nvm list

3. Check the installed node version. To view the installed and default Node.js version, run $ node --version. 

4. Switch between different node versions. If you have already installed one version, you can switch between different Node Js versions through $ nvm use node or can be more specific $ nvm run node v9.3.0. 

5. Set a default node version. To set a particular Nodejs version, run, $ nvm alias default v9.3.0.

6. Update npm. You can check and update npm to the latest available version using the command, $ npm install -g npm@latest. 

7. Remove the Node. Before removing Node, ensure that whether or not the version you are about to remove is the currently active version using $ nvm current. If it is not currently the active version, remove it using $ nvm uninstall.

Install Node.js on Linux using your distribution’s package manager

It is available in the default repositories of most Linux distributions. If you want to have a stable Node.js on your Linux, you can install it using the distribution package manager.

On Arch Linux and its derivatives like Antergos, Manjaro Linux, run the “$ sudo pacman -S nodejs npm” command to install it. 

On RHEL, CentOS, you need to enable the EPEL repository first. $ sudo yum install epel-release and then install Node.js using $ sudo yum install nodejs npm command.

Final Words 

If you are hiring a web developer, then ensure that he knows the best practices for Node.js. Nowadays, web security is the most important and demanding field.  Node.js is known for security and flexibility. 

It improves productivity and works well with OAuth microservices. Here are other reasons why it is the best time to invest in Node.js development. Node.JS operates on a single thread event loop and supports multiple connections without thread context switching.

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