10 Things Every Web Developer Should Know in 2017 | Covetus Technologies Pvt Ltd

10 Things Every Web Developer Should Know in 2019

10 Things Every Web Developer Should Know in 2019

Individuals writing codes for their earnings shall tell you how hard it is to carry out web development. The evolution in browsers and devices along with languages and frameworks has brought many different challenges for the web developers. A number of resources are available for learning to build Web Apps and are even worth to study and learn but sometimes they are outdated. In order to compete and make yourself stand in a prominent position in this industry, you need to keep yourself updated with the skills listed below.

won’t be easy for web developers. It’s going to get even more advanced and complicated. Let’s get prepared for it beforehand.

Don’t get these things in the easy go tasks. Getting the basic understanding of HTML5 and CSS3 and creating fast and beautiful experiences on browsers across all devices is not sufficient. You need to dig deeper web developers. That’s the only difference between you and the front end developers i.e. the UX designers who are earning more than the server side developers.  To cope up with the developments and requirements of 2019, you need to base yourself well in the existing systems. And for your knowledge, UX engineering is hard to learn. So get on the track as fast as you can.

9 JavaScript

JavaScript is in trend right now and it is not going to cool down any soon. While developers still think that only writing a bit of jQuery makes them literate of JavaScript, they quickly need to learn that the language is turning into a robust tool for servers, robots, device and even web browsers. So avoid wasting time in functional programming or prototype based programming and learn the core JavaScript libraries and frameworks.

8 Frameworks

Web languages and applications have multiple frameworks that favours and enhances the web development techniques. Initiate to learn them by picking one framework and study it to the core. Practice them practically, build apps and cover every feature on both server and browser. Learning one language to the depth facilitates easier learning of other frameworks.

7 Product Management

A common complaint that has been observed from mangers is that web developers lack product sensibilities. This includes the inability of web developers to build good and unique products and also writing codes. Along with the technical abilities, web developers shall also be good in terms of management. As far as product management is concerned, developers shall understand business objectives, be able to manage projects, embrace work flows and most importantly focus to the needs of the users of the product. Carefully taking the decisions would help the web developers to carry out their tasks as a product manager.

6 Background Tasks

Speed plays a very important role in web development. Users today thrive for speed and it such a factor that keeps growing year by year and day by day. 2019 will witness much higher speed as compared to the previous years. Background tasks are essential for web development. Do not let them affect the speed of your page or website. Developers shall be thinking ways to design their apps at every level of the stack as fast as possible.

5 Caching

Rarely do the web developers know how to design and implement a decent caching strategy. Developers should be able to get as much data in memory as possible. Even if you do not expect higher traffic, try to learn the modern frameworks that have built in ways for file system caching and to use memory.

4 Test-Driven and Behavior-Driven Development

Lack of experience in this field will immediately eliminate you from the development team. Before writing codes for your application, writing tests and specifications ensures ample coverage at the micro and macro levels. These practices can also be learnt from online sources provided they cater to the requirements.

3 Git

Control systems are an essential part in web development and Git has won the day in the development community. A version control system for record keeping, collaboration and incorporation with deployment activities shall be learnt by web developers to cope up with 2017.


Service oriented architectures have become a norm in the modern web development. JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a dominant communication language between web services today. Developers should know how to work with APIs and also be able to build their own APIs. Starting from JavaScript frameworks to the incorporation of third party APIs, web developers shall be familiar will the whole process.

1 DevOps   

Last but one of the most important thing, developers shall stay cordial with the growing computing technologies for designing, migrating, scaling, testing, integrating and optimizing codes in the cloud.   DevOps (development and operations) is a practice that emphasizes merged tasks between software developers and other IT professionals for successful collaboration and communication. Tech giants like Google, Microsoft, Amazon are truly inspiring examples for the web developers to learn this skill. While a number of sources are available online for learning the above skills, there is no substitute for in-person observations and instructions. The best way to accelerate your skills is to learn directly from experienced practicing developers. But in order to get an idea for your 2019 preparations, you can definitely get browse the online articles and tutorials. They will be a great help to kick start your web developments.     

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