9 Ways How the IoT is Shaping the Future of Mobile App Development | Covetus Technologies Pvt Ltd

9 Ways How the IoT is Shaping the Future of Mobile App Development

9 Ways How the IoT is Shaping the Future of Mobile App Development
Whenever we talk about the most impressive and useful technologies for modern business globally, the one that comes in everyone’s mind is the Internet of Things (IoT).  By enabling the management to improve services and enhance the customer’s experience, it can drive any company toward success. And, it has happened that IoT mobile app development services have taken the customer’s experience to the next level in recent years. And now, it is the turn of IoT technology to impact mobile app development services.

In comparison with other futuristic technologies like AI and AR, IoT technology has a wider impact on mobile app development. Yes, entrepreneurs nowadays go for IoT app solutions to control and manage their existing IoT networks using their fingertips. The IoT network transmits real-time data to mobile apps by fetching information from connected devices. So, by the result of this action, the IoT app users can manage critical processes and make informed decisions by using their fingertips.

However, mobile app developers could not adapt to this trend a few years back because IoT was in a nascent stage, and due to that, its scope in the mobile app development domain was not so clear. As we can see, advanced IoT apps with seamless performance and user-friendly features with enhanced control over the IoT network, this situation has completely changed now.

So, here we are telling you how IoT in App Development is one of the top Mobile App Development Trends that are going to stay in the time to come. But to understand that well, let’s first know the technology better.

What is IoT or the Internet of Things?

In simple words, the network of physical things that are growing at an unstoppable rate is what we call IoT technology. It is IoT because of which an IP address, which is the core of any mobile app, has become more powerful. Must say the connectivity that we dreamt for ages, IoT has brought that.

To understand the IoT technology in simple terms, let’s take this example. You might have heard about a technology that lets the car drive automatically even without any human interaction, or as we walk into the room, lights being turned on automatically, well such things have become possible due to IoT only. Now you got it, right? The Internet of Things is nothing but the most modern science fiction made reality thing which is helping us with almost every aspect of life.

So, everything that can access the internet connection can be connected by IoT together. Yes, that’s why this technology enables us to control our air conditioner from our smartphone, even miles away from home. We can also call it the Internet of Everything or IoE.

But then the question arises- Is IoT truly the future of mobile app development? Well, think like a developer here. Who wants to get left out because of their application not consisting of IoT! Hence we can say that this is the future of mobile app development.  And not only every mobility service provider but even users are going crazy over how useful IoT technology will be in the field of Mobile Application Development.

How can IoT Get a Better User Reach for Any Mobile App?

As technologies are advancing day by day, IoT is something very new, and hence people want it to grow. And, the major reason behind its huge popularity is it is so much better and more advanced than its predecessors which were just clicks and colors.

So, we can’t deny that the Internet of Things is not only bringing innovation back but also the future of mobile app development solutions. With every passing day, the market of masses who want IoT apps in their smartphones is getting bigger.

No wonder it is an opportunity that is well-known to big companies, and they are also acting upon this. So, the internet of things will only get more popular with time. And, its significance in the native app development is so broad that nothing can stop it.

IoT in Mobile App Development: 9 Ways it is Bringing the Change

All the connected devices first collect data and send it in the form of push notifications to a data center, i.e., our Smartphone. Hence, even when you're miles away, you can control devices like your HVAC system, air conditioner, lights, and  TV via your phone only. And, it grants you total control over the features in the different appliances and gadgets.

Although, you will need a whole new suite of IoT apps to be able to do all of this as IoT apps are notably different from other traditional apps because they are multidimensional and comprised of components like cloud, sensors, and analytics apart from the connected devices. And besides all that, they are way more complex than traditional apps.

1. Connectivity

In the last few years and for the coming years as well, this will probably be a top buzzword. Ranging from smartphones to vehicles: modern technology is way more connected than ever before. If we talk about the consumer sector alone, the connected devices reached almost 6 billion last year.

And in the era of IoT, devices won’t be connected through traditional ways like Bluetooth, cellular, or Wi-Fi anymore. It means from now on the mobile app developers should think of ways their product is going to connect to the IoT itself.

And, for that, those apps will have to integrate with a getaway. Well, like everything in the technology requires a different connection protocol, developers have come up with this idea. Although, we must say that this is still not the easiest thing to turn into reality.

2. Security Matters Most

As we mentioned, in the IoT environment, we connect a tremendous number of devices across different operating systems and connection protocols. And, obviously, with this continuous growing number of devices and the vast amounts of data stored in them, the question for data security arises.

But no worries as IoT knows that sensitive company information can’t get in the wrong hands as many organizations rely on their mobile apps for work. Yes, IoT makes these apps more capable, but needless to say that connected devices need advanced security. To ensure that no harm comes to the collected data, a whole new set of the right security measures needs to be adopted.

And, IoT could be helpful for that as it could secure application code and data storage. To fix unwanted obstacles, the app undergoes hardware encryption. So, all applications related to network services can be considered via IoT protection for better security assistance.

3. Niche Development

It could be said that Mobile app development is still adapting to the Internet of Things. Besides, they have to get ready for a world full of IoT devices (not only smartphones) and should start working towards creating products that can be customized across all kinds of physical or simulated devices.

Furthermore, IoT product teams and app developers need to collaborate for successful projects. And, as a result of all these, generally changing the way mobile app development used to look like most of the IoT devices will be powered by artificial intelligence for automated learning processes have to be adapted for full lifecycle support.

In general, the main focus is shifting from the app's function to the device’s function. To build an app that could be used seamlessly in both the digital and physical worlds, Mobile app developers will have to get familiar with the emerging technology, especially the smart connected “things.”

4. Open Source Development

If we talk about the top 5 IoT trends for 2019, the Open Source Development process is one of the names that come to our mind. That is Software development giants favor to share more programs online.

So, the integration of the IoT in mobile app systems will offer the developers with those programs so that it would be way easier to develop an app.

For example, companies such as Microsoft now provide great features to novice mobile app developers. More programs will be available, and development would be way easier with that as the IoT includes more and more features.

5. New Platforms

All mobile app developers who create their products across multiple platforms like Android and iOS will have to concentrate mainly on this niche, one with the new unified IoT platform. It is an undeniable fact that the ability to create an app on traditional platforms is fairly common now.

As of the new IoT platforms, many mobile apps development companies are choosing to hire an expert in IoT. And, only this formula enables them to create their product in the best way possible so that it’s suitable for the IoT devices.

6. Developers Need to Accept the Challenges

With the increasing customer demands and technological advancements, there’s no doubt that the future of mobile app development is challenging. In all, the Internet of Things (IoT) is among the breakthroughs, which is set to change everything fundamentally.

However, it’s not so easy because increasing the complexity of IoT applications insists on more effort from developers. Also,  because of the growth in this technology, they have a higher chance of success. Plus, the benefits allow your company to stand out from its competitors; still, it could be challenging to incorporate it.

The Internet of Things is changing the mobile app development for good, just like every single industry out there. Nowadays, it’s a solid part of the emerging technologies, which are bringing additional business to app developers. So they’ll have to work on their IoT app development skills if they want to be successful and provide outstanding products.

7. Focus Shifts from App’s Function to Device’s Function

If we talk about the conventional method, app developers start with one question that what’s the function of the app. But now, with the IoT advancement and rise, the query changed to – what’s the function of the device.

Even though this shift seems a marginal one, it indicates that the developers need to be accustomed to the technology of the “thing” itself to be capable of building an app that could seamlessly connect the digital and physical worlds.

8. Support for High Data Volumes

As we have already mentioned, due to a huge number of devices connected to IoT systems, it has to handle huge volumes of data, which is collected in real-time from other devices and sensors because such humongous volumes can cause delays in the networks.

Besides that, losing even a bit of data is also not acceptable. Hence, in comparison to the conventional development processes, the reliability and scalability of the system become the prime focus of IoT app development.

9. Reduction in Human Effort

We learned before that by default, the technology offers the benefit of interactivity between the connected devices. This means, even without investing extra efforts in the development process, it makes it able to add amazing features to the apps.

Thus, with the same amount of effort on behalf of the developers, IoT-empowered apps promise better functionalities and experience.

On Concluding Note

So, with all aspects of IoT in Mobile App Development, we can know how  IoT becomes an imperative technology for diverse industry verticals, embracing it does not remain a choice for modern enterprises. Not only that, this is an upcoming revolution that every business must be a part of.

Considering the complexity of technology, doing so is easier said than done. So, the best approach would be to seek the services of an IoT Web Development Company that offers the right experience and  expertise. Make sure that success will be elusive unless you have an expert hand-holding you through the journey.

We, Covetus, are a leading digital transformation partner that can help you to embark on this innovative journey. We create a road map for the seamless adoption of IoT technology as we understand the current architecture of your business.

Plus, our skilled team with rich expertise and diverse experience working on IoT-based apps make a name that you can trust. So, to share your requirements, connect with us, and we will have a perfect solution for your business.
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