Health 2.0: Types of Web 2.0 Technologies in the Healthcare Industry | Covetus Technologies Pvt Ltd

Health 2.0: Types of Web 2.0 Technologies in the Healthcare Industry

Health 2.0: Types of Web 2.0 Technologies in the Healthcare Industry
Healthcare 2.0 is a term introduced in the mid-2000 and has been defined differently, including social media user-generated content and mobile technologies. Health 2.0 is built for changing health care and started the introduction of eHealth in the 1900s. In the late 2000s, the commentators used Health 2.0 as a wider concept of system reform.

It refers to the use of a different set of technologies, including Connected Health, mHealth, and telemedicine. The concept is that patients should have insights and control over the information generated about them. Health 2.0 is facilitated by combining technology trends like Personal Health Records with social networking. 

In 2004, the term web 2.0 was initiated by O’ Reily as- 

“A set of economic, social, and technology trends that collectively form the basis for the next generation of the Internet, a more mature, distinctive medium characterized by user participation, openness, and network effects.” 

Several definitions have been out for the term Web 2.0. For instance, Hansen defined Web 2.0 as a term “that refers to improved communication and collaboration between people via social networking.”

Old methods of medicine had patient records that could be accessed by healthcare professionals. Physicians tell patients test results whenever required. The model operates well in acute care, where information about blood results are used by a layperson or in general practice. 

Overview of Health 2.0 

It refers to the use of a set of different technologies like connected health, EMR, and the use of the internet by patients themselves through internet forums and blogs. The aim is that the patient themselves should have insight into the information generated about them. Older models of medicine had patient records that could be accessed by health experts and medical professionals. 

This model operates with situations of acute care, where any information about blood results would be of no use to a non-trained person. The traditional definition of health 2.0 focussed on technology- 

“The use of social software t-weight tools to promote collaboration between patients, their caregivers, medical professionals, and other stakeholders in health.” 

In 2011, Indu Subaiya (the American entrepreneur and consultant in healthcare and technology) redefined health 2.0 as the use in the healthcare of mobile and SaaS technology. Health 2.0 focussed on the user experience and brought the principles of user-centered design. The wider definition gave more recognition to health 2.0. Additionally, Health 2.0 has other competing terms, including connected health, medicine 2.0, and mHealth. 

Health System Definitions

Health 2.0 defines the combination of health information and data with experience by allowing the citizen to become responsible for his/her health. Medicine 2.0 is defined similarly but includes research aspects. 

It is defined as- 

“Medicine 2.0 applications, services and tools are Web-based services for health care consumers, caregivers, patients, health professionals, and biomedical researchers, that use Web 2.0 technologies as well as semantic web and virtual reality tools, to enable and facilitate specifically social networking, participation, apomediation, collaboration, and openness within and between these user groups.”

Types of Web 2.0 in Healthcare

Web. 2.0 is related to technologies like podcasts, social bookmarking, wikis, weblogs, and other forms. The purpose of health 2.0 is to manage a particular disease. It is shown that patients have different patterns of usage based on whether they are newly diagnosed or managing a severe long term illness. It is also used for sharing data and research. 

It completes the patient-record outcomes and collects the data for personal and scientific research. Furthermore, it is used for professional development for doctors and health promotion by public professionals and the general public. It is used to stay informed of the latest developments in a particular field. 

Podcasts, RSS, and other search tools are used to know about the latest development in the medical field. Studies have shown that patients have different patterns of usage based on their illness. Therefore, patients can use search tools to find information about a particular condition.

We, at Covetus, have a specialization in Data Integration and Analytics services. We have in-depth knowledge of the latest healthcare technologies and help you be at the top of technology innovations and market changes. Furthermore, we also have expertise in a range of medical standards like HL7, FHIR, DICOM, ICD-9, and ICD 10
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