Know Ins and Outs of MEAN Stack & its Benefits for an Organization | Covetus Technologies Pvt Ltd

Know Ins and Outs of MEAN Stack & its Benefits for an Organization

Know Ins and Outs of MEAN Stack & its Benefits for an Organization
MEAN is a combination of four popular technologies for JavaScript development. Its components are MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJs, and Node.js. All the components of MEAN are written in Javascript; therefore, the applications could be written in one language for the client and server-side. 

Right from the backend to the frontend, everything is written using Javascript. If you aren’t familiar with MEAN, then here is an overview of this technology. 

Overview of MEAN - A User-Friendly Full-Stack Javascript Framework

MEAN is a free and open-source stack that is specially designed to provide developers an organized method for creating MEAN based web applications. 

It is a single language and could run on different applications, making it a modern trend for web development. MEAN is used to build applications. It includes four technologies and develops MEAN based web services and web apps. 

With MEAN, the developers need not have to focus on package management, libraries, and system administration. Instead, they focus on development. Let us know about its components in-depth. 

1. MongoDB

It is a cross-platform document-oriented database and is classified as NoSQL. It is an open-source document designed for scaling and development. It stores data into a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) and provides superior performance than others. It is easy to use and scale. 

MongoDB is a flexible database and provides a fast query response. Its features like grid FS and replication increase data availability. One of the best benefits of MongoDB is, it is a horizontally scalable database; therefore, large data could be distributed to several machines. 

2. Express.js

Express.js is one of the widely used frameworks that is used to develop web applications in Node. It is also referred to as Express and acts like an internet-facing server. It provides all the functionalities that are required to deliver web applications. 

Express.js is a minimalist framework and is inspired by a framework called Sinatra. It provides you a simple interface to manage cookies and request endpoints. Express is a great choice for applications as it could easily handle notifications from users. 

Also, it could minimize the expenses that could be spent on hiring the development team, as it uses the same language to develop a mobile app and server. 

3. Angular JS

A in the MEAN stands for Angular. It is a framework that is maintained by Google. It makes it easier to build an application with the web. It is an efficient framework that could create Rich Internet Applications. 

This open-source is free and is used by thousands of developers from around the world. It extends HTML attributes and binds them to HTML with expressions. It could be optimized for mobile development. 

So, by using the same code on the browser, you could develop the web and mobile application. Applications built in AngularJS are cross-browser compliant. It features templates that could be a single file or multiple using partials. It has a built-in dependency subsystem that helps the developer in creating and testing the applications. 

AngularJS is used majorly by video-streaming apps, travel apps, and user-review applications. It is the best solution for rapid front-end development. Also, it provides reusable components. For those who are uninitiated, AngularJS could run with different browsers and several phones with Android and iOS-based technologies. 

4. Node.js

It is a server-side Javascript execution environment. Node.js executes Javascript outside the browser. Its applications are written in Node.js and could be run within the Node.js runtime. 

The Node.js applications could handle multiple requests on a single service without interrupting each other. Node.js has an event-driven architecture that is capable of asynchronous I/O. It is easy to learn and offers easy scalability. 

Node.js is used as a single programming language and makes the deployment of applications easier. It is the most popular runtime environment that is based on Chrome’s V8 Javascript Engine. Here are other reasons why it is a high time to invest in Node.js

Features of MEAN Stack That Every Developer Should Know

Here are a few features and reasons Why MEAN Stack is gaining popularity these days. 

1. It is Cost-Effective

The main reason why MEAN stack has become the preferred choice of companies is that it is cost-effective. They do not have to hire specialists to work on a particular project. It makes it convenient for developers to collaborate with the team owning the same background. 

2. Uses Javascript Throughout the Code

The main reason why MEAN Stack is the preferred choice is it uses common language for client and server-side. It uses Javascript; therefore, the process becomes smooth. Also, with Angular.js, it becomes easier to reuse code from the front and back end. 

3. With MongoDB, Updation is Not Required

With MongoDB, you don’t have to manage the tables with huge data. Working with MongoDB is simple, as it doesn’t require updating the entire table. Also, it is a NoSQL and a document database model that could be used in different applications. 

4. Active Javascript Community

It runs on Javascript, which is the most common programming language and has the most active developer communities. This gives easy solutions to problems. It is relatively straightforward and revolves around one language. 

5. Adaptable for Range of Applications

Due to the versatility of programming language, it is adaptable for a range of applications. Whether you want to build a basic website or a complex one, the MEAN stack covers it all. 

Benefits of Building Websites and Applications Using MEAN Stack

Several technologies were developed to provide services for the increasing demand for mobile and web applications. MEAN plays a crucial role in developing dynamic applications and websites. Know other benefits of using MEAN stack here. 

1. It is Flexible and Saves Time

The developers enjoy working with MEAN stack as it uses Javascript as the core language. It is easier to switch between the codes. For instance, if you have started writing codes in Angular.js but later found that Node.js would be a better option, then you could easily switch the language without any complications. 

Also, it uses the same language throughout; therefore, the company could save a lot of money and time.

2. Easy Transformation Between Client and Server-Side

It is fast because everything is written in one language. So, it is easy to switch between server and client-side. The full-stack developers could easily work on the server without using a stand-alone server. 

3. Best for Real-Time Web Applications

In today’s scenario, real-time applications are trending. If you are planning to develop this kind of application, then MEAN Stack is the best choice. It uses single-page applications. Therefore, pages do not have to be updated after every server request.

4. It Uses JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)

JSON could be used in Angular.js and Node.js. MongoDB is a relational database that allows users to save documents in JSON format. It is best for startups and intermediate level companies. 

5. Cloud Compatible and Reusable

MEAN Stack technologies are available for free. This helps the developers to use the library and to reduce the development cost. Also, MongoDB helps to deploy the cloud functionalities within the app by minimizing space costs. 

6. Ever-Increasing Online Community

MEAN is a reputed framework and works well for developers from around the world. Lots of developers have even built a strong online community. They help users and provide solutions to their problems. 

7. Quality Assurance

A web application built using MEAN supports automated testing. Thus, it helps the developers in finding the error instantly. With MEAN, keeping a check on the quality becomes easy. 

8. High Level of Productivity as it Supports MVC Architecture

MVC model is majorly used by Node.js developers. In this pattern, application and development are connected into three parts. Therefore, this makes sure that the Mean Stack team maintains a high level of productivity. 

The Future of MEAN Stack

Predicting the future of MEAN Stack is difficult as it depends on different components. Even if MEAN stack technology doesn’t work for long years, it is sure that its components would be in trend for many more years. 

Express.js, which is backed by IBM, seems to have a stable future. MongoDB might not work in the future, but it is still a popular NoSQL. It offers several benefits but also has certain limitations. 

For instance, when compared to the relational database, the MEAN Stack doesn’t provide functionality. It sometimes prevents reuse of services like batch operations. So, what do you think could be the future of MEAN Stack - it would grow more or vanish in a few years? 

Final Words

MEAN Stack technology is becoming better day by day. The leading organizations are using the MEAN stack for developing their apps. What’s amazing is with MEAN Stack, refreshing the page after every server request is not needed, as this happens in most traditional web apps. 

Overall, MEAN Stack is beneficial for developers as they do not have to learn a new language and also for organizations as they do not have to hire several people for a particular project. 

So, if you are looking to outsource your project into the best one, then feel free to connect with us. At Covetus, our experts are highly talented and work consistently to benefit your business in several ways.
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