Ways of Optimizing Vue.js Reactive Websites for Search Engines & Bots | Covetus Technologies Pvt Ltd

Ways of Optimizing Vue.js Reactive Websites for Search Engines & Bots

Ways of Optimizing Vue.js Reactive Websites for Search Engines & Bots
Vue.Js is a popular open-source model-view-ViewModel front end Javascript framework for building single-page applications. It features an adaptable architecture and focuses on rendering and component composition. Advanced features such as routing and build tooling are offered and maintained by supporting libraries and packages. 

Reactive Javascript frameworks are used in more websites and applications due to their modularity and ease of automated testing. The frameworks allow us to achieve new things on websites and apps, but how do they perform with SEO. 

It is a common question to ask whether websites created with reactive frameworks get indexed by Google and other search engines. Is it important to set-up pre-rendering, as your SEO specialists recommend? With the frameworks, the page rendering gets carried out in Javascript. Here are other frameworks that would be used in the coming years to make a difference in technology. 

Let us understand about Vue.Js and SEO and how to optimize reactive websites for search engines.

What Vue.Js is

Vue.Js is a progressive framework for Javascript and is used to build web interfaces and one-page applications. Vue.Js is used for desktop and mobile app development with the Electron framework. 
It uses HTML-based template syntax, allowing to bind the rendered DOM to the underlying Vue instance data. The templates are valid HTML that can be parsed by specification-compliant browsers and HTML parsers. Vue users can use template syntax or can directly write functions using JSX. 

Furthermore, it also features a reactivity system that uses Javascript objects and optimized-re-rendering. The component keeps the record of reactive dependencies, so the system knows when to re-render and which components to re-render. 

It also provides different ways to apply transition effects that are updated or removed from the DOM. The tools automatically apply classes for CSS transitions and animations and also integrate third-party CSS animation libraries. Furthermore, it integrates third-party Javascript animation libraries like velocity.Js. It is the best framework to build single-page apps and engaging UI

Vue.js was developed by ‘Evan You’ after working for Google using Anugular.JS in different projects. The first code to the project was initiated in July 2013 and was first released in February 2014. 

Advantages of Using Vue.js

Application software is commonly used by businesses or individuals. Several tools and techniques are used by the developers to launch successful applications. 

Also, developers use software technologies to make applications faster and user-friendly. Vue.js is also one of the major technologies used for web development. 

Let us know the advantages of using Vue.js in web development. 

1. It is of Small Size

The chances of success of the Javascript framework depend on its size. The smaller the size is, the more it will be used. The major advantage of using Vue.js is its size. The size of the framework is around 18 to 21 KB and can be downloaded easily. 

2. Simple Integration

It is popular among web developers and integrates easily with the existing applications. It is based on the Javascript framework and can be merged easily into other applications designed on Javascript. It is extremely useful for developing new applications and altering pre-existing applications. 

3. Flexibility and Detailed Documentation

Vue.js is flexible and allows the user to write a template in an HTML file and Javascript futile using virtual nodes. It can be easily understandable by the developers and other new Javascript frameworks. The majority of third-party Vue components are also supported with Vue.js CDN. 

Also, you don’t have to set up a  node and npm to start using Vue.js. It is flexible and is easy to add and work with tools like Tempting engines, type checking tools like Typescript, and more. 

4. Two-Way Communication

It facilitates two-way communication because of its architecture, which makes it easy to manage HTML blocks. It is also known as two-way data binding. Vue.js is called reactive because it reacts whenever data is changed. It is different when compared to libraries that support only one-way communication. It is fast, which means the developers get the parameters easily and positively impact SEO and UX. 

5. Great Tooling

The new Vue.js is one of the best tools for a Javascript framework. It features Unit Testing, Routing, Typescript, CSS-Preprocessors, and more. Furthermore, it provides a UI for managing your projects. 

React v/s Vue.Js

Vue.js and React.js are two front-end Javascript frameworks. The tools offer developers a productive approach to building various applications. Vue and React’s libraries of components facilitate code reuse and speed up the development process. React was designed for specific needs and continues to be maintained by the tech giant. 

Vue was built by one developer to improve available JS tools. One of the biggest differences between Vue and React.JS is the way the view layer is built. Vue uses HTML templates, but there’s an option to write in JSX. Vue.js is easy to learn and features good documentation. React.js, on the other hand, has widespread usage and elegant programming style and patterns. 

Vue.js and SEO: How to Optimize Reactive Websites for Search Engines And Bots

How Indexing Works

For a website to be indexed by Google, it must be crawled by Googlebot. It also looks at special sitemap XML in websites to find pages that might not be linked correctly from a public site and to receive information on how the pages in the website change. 

How Does the Google Index Pages with Front-End Frameworks?

To see what Google indexes in websites that have been created: an experiment is done. The result of the experiment shows the content already in the static HTML content gets indexed by Google & the content generated by Vue but rendered after 300ms gets indexed as well. Also, the subpages do not get indexed as expected. 

The experiment tells that Google does index generated content, even if it comes from an external web service, but it might not guarantee content to get indexed if it comes late. 

The other search engines do not work well with dynamic content. Bing does not index dynamic content, which might be because it lacks the resources and computing power that Google offers. 

The social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and others that you use, collect information about your page to show how it looks when it is linked by other users. The bots will not index dynamic content and show the meta-information that they find in the static HTML. The result is, if you are targeting Google, then it is not mandatory to use pre-rendering. 

However, do not depend on third-party web services for content that needs to be indexed. Also, ensure that you have tested for Javascript errors and could result in pages or websites not being indexed at all. If you need your website to perform on different search engines other than Google, you will need pre-rendering. 

Final Words 

Vue.js, like React.js, is an open-source library but supports compact file size. It is a combination of React and Angular js and uses concepts like derivatives and components to control and render the user interface. 

To choose which framework is best for your project, you must look at factors like your business needs, budget, timeframe, and environment. However, the final results will depend on the efforts and application size. 

We have experience working with different frameworks and can help you in delivering a better experience. We are amongst the best development companies and keep the focus on the latest updates. 
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